شرکت توسه گیاهان طلایی کیمیاگران کاسپین | ||
Website: https://crackingx.com/ Download: Use the tool online: [ پنج شنبه 03/8/24 ] [ 11:12 عصر ] [ hossein ]
In November 2022, the Turkish Citizens Health Database "Halk Sa?l??? Yönetim Sistemi" (HSYS) (hsys.saglik.gov.tr) suffered a data breach that impacted 100 over million citizens. The attack led to the exposure of data including Full names, Dates of birth, General location (City & District), Parents names and Parents ID Numbers.
This thread includes the raw database files and a .sql dump of the data for easy viewing.
I would like to warn the leak is over 23.54 GB uncompressed and 8.92GB compressed. The archive below is a partial 1.23 GB compressed...
Compromised data: Citizen ID Numbers, Full names, Dates of birth, General location (City & District), Parents names, Parents ID Numbers
Download: https://nitroflare.com/view/8E38FD9CA4DE3FE/Halk_Sagligi_Yonetim_Sistemi_%28HSYS%29_Database_Leaked_November_2022.zip http://www.filefactory.com/file/7fzts8mk19pi/Halk%20Sagligi%20Yonetim%20Sistemi%20%28HSYS%29%20Database%20Leaked%20November%202022.zip [ پنج شنبه 03/8/24 ] [ 9:54 عصر ] [ hossein ]
In November 2022, the Turkish Citizens Health Database "Halk Sa?l??? Yönetim Sistemi" (HSYS) (hsys.saglik.gov.tr) suffered a data breach that impacted 100 over million citizens. The attack led to the exposure of data including Full names, Dates of birth, General location (City & District), Parents names and Parents ID Numbers. This thread includes the raw database files and a .sql dump of the data for easy viewing. I would like to warn the leak is over 23.54 GB uncompressed and 8.92GB compressed. Compromised data: Citizen ID Numbers, Full names, Dates of birth, General location (City & District), Parents names, Parents ID Numbers Download: [ پنج شنبه 03/8/24 ] [ 9:50 عصر ] [ hossein ]
Brembo, the choice of champions.
- 25 EUR por caixa. - Usados
Apenas 3 caixas disponiveis. [ چهارشنبه 03/8/23 ] [ 3:2 عصر ] [ hossein ]
Is your email address on the digital black market? Find out.
What does this mean for you? ?? No account required ?? Better Accessibility ?? User-Friendly Interface
What to Expect: ?? Powerful Search Operations. ?? Fast & Efficient. ?? Added more breaches.
Visit: [ چهارشنبه 03/8/23 ] [ 11:26 صبح ] [ hossein ]
[ طراحی : نایت اسکین ] [ Weblog Themes By : night skin ] |